What We Do

Restoration & Repair Services

Color Glo International is the World Leader in restoration and repair of leather, vinyl, velour, cloth and hard plastics commonly found in the markets of Automotive, Aircraft, Marine and Furniture.  Formally incorporated in 1975 Color Glo began franchising in 1982. Today in hundreds of markets throughout world. Color Glo products are proven everyday to offer the correct results and best value every time they are put to the test.

We initially began our franchising in the United States and have since then expanded into Canada and 50 countries world wide. Our focus is restoring and repairing common defects such as worn and faded interior components such as leather upholstery, headliners, burns and broken plastic or composite molding. These problems are found in the interior of every automobile, RV, truck sports vehicle, plane or boat in use today.

If you have a particular area of interest, then just click on the image below.

 Automotive          Residential            Commercial   Boat  Leather sofa  Conference room



 Marine                   Boutique               Deodorizing

 Boat    Boutiques  Deodorizing